The CFA Perspective

HealthLeaders Media to Publish New CFA Cardiovascular Service Line Marketing Book

Written by The CFA Staff | November 4, 2011

HealthLeaders Media (a division of HCPro), Brentwood, Tennessee, will publish a new book by CFA principals entitled, The Complete Guide to Marketing for the Cardiovascular Service Line. The book is now in the final stages of editing and should be published by the end of this year or early 2012. 


 Designed to fill an information gap for CV service line administrators (SLAs), the 200-page book will offer a comprehensive look at how marketing philosophy, principles and practices can assist in improving service line performance.  It is believed to be the first book of its kind, presenting a comprehensive approach to marketing specifically addressed to the hospital CV service line. The authors, John Meyer and Charles Franc, have laid out thirteen chapters of material, ranging from theory and practice through many application examples from the hundreds of cardiovascular clients served over the last 20+ years of exclusively cardiovascular consulting experience.

QA key premise of the book is that true marketing has been undervalued and misunderstood, and should be reconsidered and reemphasized in today’s health systems and hospitals, particularly at the service line level, where practical application of marketing can make a real difference.  The continuing evolution of the marketplace and competitive dynamics require that a re-emphasis be placed on marketing philosophy, principles and practices.  A market orientation is critical and fundamental to the hospital and the service line administrator in pursuit of corporate goals and objectives.  The book is intended to provide the CV SLA with enough marketing philosophy, principles and practices, augmented with ample real-world examples, to enable them to incorporate marketing into their daily management activities.


The book is divided into thirteen chapters, as follows:


  1. Introduction
  2. Fundamental of Strategic Marketing
  3. Marketing’s Role in the Strategic Management of the Cardiovascular Service Line
  4. Key’s for Success in the Coming Decade and Marketing Implications
  5. The Marketing Audit
  6. Planning and Developing New Programs and Services
  7. Marketing Information and Research
  8. Understanding and Using the Marketing Mix
  9. Market Positioning, Differentiation and Branding
  10. Web Presence and the Role of Social Media
  11. Developing a Practical Marketing Plan
  12. Marketing Self-Assessment
  13. Conclusion   


CFA’s website will keep you up-to-date on the book’s publication date and availability, and we will post more blogs in the coming weeks and months featuring material from the book and relevant discussions of this important topic.


As always, CFA invites your comments, suggestions and questions.